Friday, September 04, 2020


 Late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning a front rolled through, bringing high winds.  It was so windy it was blowing doors shut in the house.  I actually got up to close some windows.  The winds really didn't die down much by the time I got up.  I was strongly procrastinating a ride.  A couple hours later I was out on the Evergreen heading towards Rice.  The wind was W/NW.  The River Road up to Rice provides a bunch of protection from the wind.  Crossing the Mississippi at Rice was brutal.  Full exposure to the wind.  Once I was on the West side of the river I alternated between heading West and North.  Honestly the wind wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Don't get me wrong it was hard at times with the winds at a constant 20 mph with gusts up to 30.  The wind always seems worse sitting on the couch looking out the window at the trees leaning from the wind.  I am always surprised how much the corn fields help with the wind.  We have another month of their protection before all the fields are harvested flat and barren.

Turning South was amazing.  I worked my way to the Wobegon Trail.  Heading SE on that was even better!  Tailwinds are better than headwinds.

The Ride.

It's a West wind this morning but still in the single digits for mph.  I don't have a great Western route without putting in more time than I have.  I'll start heading down County Road 8 and see what moves me.

It's only been two commutes on bike this week but I'm really enjoying it.  More so on the way home.  Such a great way to end the work day. Ahhhh.  It's been a tailwind and not too hot coming home both days so that may change at some point!

Happy Long Weekend.

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