Friday, October 02, 2020

Cooler Temps are Here!

 Back to Monday and riding to Monticello to meet Ben Weaver.  I flew there!  Yeah, hell of a tailwind.  We got to our meet up at the same time, that never happens.  On the return trip I had the joy of a wicked headwind.  Not wanting to take the same route back and also to skirt the wind a bit I headed West for a good period of time before making a Northern push.  It helped with the wind some but mostly just added a bunch of miles...which I'm ok with!

The Ride.

I was pretty much beat after the ride.  The previous weeks mileage and a solid headwind for 5 hours did me in.  Not enough to keep me from riding on Tuesday.  But hey, I never claimed to be smart!

Yesterday I had Dr appointment so I wasn't able to get out till later.  Once home and kitted up I checked outside and it was raining, hard.  Nothing predicted or on the radar.  I waited about an hour to let it pass and give the roads a chance to dry some.
Again the wind was strong out of the NW.  I took the River Road to Little Falls.  It's well sheltered by trees.  Once in Little Falls I took Hwy 27 a bit to the West before heading back North and bopping around on gravel roads North of 27.
By this time the overcast day had turned mostly sunny but the wind was still providing a bite.  The return trip was smooth with the tailwind.  
The Ride.

This morning I had the coffee pot set for 4:45.  Toby didn't wake me up!  Jen did.  New record.  She went to bed as I was getting up.  This hybrid teaching thing is way more work!  Toby is confused as to what time of day it is I think.

2-3 hours this morning.  It's below freezing!  Kill the bugs!  Plus nominal wind.  Should be a great ride.

Happy Weekend.

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