Friday, November 13, 2020

More Snow Playtime.

 Both Wednesday and Thursday I got out on the fat bike to play in the snow.  Tuesday night into Wednesday we received 6"+ of snow.  Thursday monring a dusting to .5".  

Wednesday I was excited to get out.  I started by hitting up the Race Track.  I got 2 laps in when the crew showed up to work on the field and woods.  A prairie restoration project is going on.  So I boogied on out and headed over to Sand Praire.  At both places I was laying first tracks, even beat the walkers!  Man I forgot how much work first tracks can be and how warm you get!  My focus was Bumpity Bump...the section walkers don't get to and the DNR doesn't maintain.  It's not long but it's tough.  With each lap it got easier, however.

First Tracks.

Bumpity Bump. 

I did four laps of Bumpity Bump, taking over an hour.  By the end I was able to ride a loop without dabbing.  I finished up doing the rest of Sand Prairie before heading up Prison Road to the North Loop.  I wasn't going to ride the North Loop but was told it was going to be open till that afternoon.  So I did the Sport/Spring Loop before heading over to Freidrich Park. I was also first tracks at the North Loop and Freidrich Park. 
The Ride.  Check out that speed!

Thursday morning I was pretty blah.  I usually ride long but the new snow made the roads a mess, plus it hid any ice there was from yesterday.  I contemplated not riding but knew the guilt would consume me.  Yeah I know, weirdo.  Not sure why I was down.  Most likely a combination of things.  Change of seasons, feeling a bit burnt at work, felling guilty for not being at work (still waiting on test results), not eating too healthy this week, and not wanting to ride the same trails two days in a row.  However, as I sat on the couch, looking out the window at the falling snow I got motivated to go play.  I didn't hesitate getting kitted up.  I was out the door as fast as one can be with all the clothing required for such weather.

This time I started out by heading over to the River Bluffs.  There were some tracks there from yesterday but not in all spots.  The snow had settled so it was easier to ride through.  Not sure if it has a name but the lower field, by the boat landing is where I spent the most time.  With Hard Drives closing off Time Waster I focused on this field.  I put in four laps.  It rode much easier than anticipated.  I did some more of the River Bluffs, Plum Creek is closed, before heading back across the river to the Race Track and Sand Praire.  The work at Bumpity Bump paid off, it's riding damn fine.  We have a warm up coming so most, if not all of this snow will melt.  But it's fun and I enjoy it.

The Ride.

Still no results.  Most likely won't go into work.  While I really want to head in and I'm feeling fine, it's the right thing to do.  Not sure yet today if I'll ride.  I guess I'm still a bit blah. 

Happy Weekend.

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