Friday, November 20, 2020

Spring Like Gravel.

 Thursday was predicted to flirt with 50 degrees with N/NW winds but not too bad.  Well it hit the mid 50's with full sun!  The wind was around 5-7 mph.  I grabbed the Seven Evergreen this time and headed North on the River Road towards Little Falls.  Short of Little Falls I decided to head West on some gravel.  I had noticed the gravel was looking rather sloppy.  This road looked good.  Well the good eventually did lead to sloppy.  For the most part I was able to navigate around the real bad stuff but not always.  I and the bike were getting dirty.

Yeah the roads were soft at times too!

Because of this I hit more pavement than normal but still had a good chuck of gravel time.  I crossed Hwy 27, heading North.  I didn't go too far North of 27 before heading West a bit then back South for home.  Excitingly I was able to successfully navigate around Holdingford!  As I've mentioned before, "all roads lead to Holdingford"!

The Ride.

I felt great on the ride and really had a good time.  At home I drug the hose out of winter storage to clean the bike.  Yeah it was that bad.  My clothing went straight into the wash.  

My alarm was set for 5 this morning.  I also had the coffee pot set to turn on at 4:45.  The past two nights Toby has slept with us.  Little shit can sleep endlessly if not in his crate.  The alarm went off.  I checked the weather.  The wind was 15 mph already.  If the trails weren't a mess right now I would have done that. Not wanting to head NW into the wind I rolled over and went back to bed.  I didn't really sleep much and got up before 6.  I blame Toby!

I'll head into work early in hopes of being able to head out early.  Some friends have graciously loaned us their cabin for the weekend as they won't be there.  We are all pretty excited to have a change of scenery.  It's especially important for the girls and Jen as they really haven't left the house except to go on walks and such.

Of course I feel a bit guilty for not riding but not too bad.  We'll see if the guilt builds throughout the day, werido.

I'm bringing my bike with.  My friend made a 60 mile route around his cabin.  Not sure I'll do that yet or not.  We aren't going to be there long and I don't want to be out riding the whole time.  Well I would, we all know that, but I'd like to hang with the family more than ride.  Currently I'm toying with riding home.  But that will be 170 miles.  How I feel and weather will dictate what I do.

Have a great weekend.

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