Monday, December 21, 2020

Miles and Numbers.

 Well I guess the weekend weather was good for riding.  Although I'd have rather spent it shoveling snow. But no snow yet.  Well we got a dusting last night, enough to make things wet when it melts this afternoon.  But back to the weekend.

Saturday was Jen's birthday and Brinna's first day of her first job!  I got up early and waited for Brinna to get up and ready for work.  Once she left I kitted up and headed out for a ride.  The plan was to ride while she worked and get home around the same time.  

The wind was W/SW so I basically did a big loop around Powder Ridge.  I went more South than West.  I washed the bike on Friday as it had some salt residue from being on the back of the car last weekend and dusty from gravel.  The gravel is so dry, but frozen, that it produces this micro dust.  A few miles on gravel and the bike was covered once again!

The Ride.

I made it home shortly after Brinna.  We later went for a hike at Friedrich Park, did some shopping, and ordered take out.

Sunday I wanted to get out a bit earlier.  I got up early enough but must of putz around a bit too much.  I got out a bit before 7, which feels earlier as it's still dark.  The wind was mostly West so I headed that way right away.  I usually will head down County Road 8 first before heading West to avoid going through town but Sunday morning is pretty quiet and I wanted to get as far West as I could before having to turn around.

I basically went West for 4 hours, turned around, and came home.  A couple hours in I realized I forgot to refill my food stash. I had some but not enough for the day.  My turn around point happened to be Belgrade.  They had a gas station so I stopped.  I try and avoid going in places currently but I knew I would need more than a sleeve of Clif Bloks to get me home.

The wind was stronger than I thought it was going to be so turning around sure felt good.  I'm not sure why but I tend to want to avoid the Avon Hills area on my return trips out west.  That means staying south near hwy 23 or north my I94.  It's a gorgeous area but I've ridden it so much in the past that I try and find new ways.  Having gone so far West I was a bit short on time so I went through the hills and SJU to St. Joseph and home.  Pretty dang good ride.  I did get a puncture at some point.  Grabbed the Stan's Dart and plugged the hole.  Added some air and on my way.  Total time less than two minutes.  The rear tire now has two plugs so it may be time to change it?!

The Ride.


For the most part I just ride.  If I have the time I'll go long, if not, I'll go short.  I don't look too much at my mileage for the year.  I usually find out what I am at when someone comments on it.  Recently I've gotten lots of questions if I am going to reach 20,000 miles for the year.  Yes I know that is a stupid amount of miles but yes I am closing in on it.  My goal for the year was to match or beat last year, 13,000-15,000 was the hope.  I am at 19, 754 miles in 11 days left.  Or 68.5/day.  Not sure I can do it.  I don't think I'm riding today plus we have the holidays coming up.  I won't be crushed if I don't get it but I figure I will try and see how close I can get.  My guess is I won't ever get this close again.  

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