Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Sand Prairie.

 The past two mornings I've spent down at Sand Prairie, riding in the trails I snowshoed with Toby.  It's been a favorite type of fat biking.  The weather has been great too.  Not too cold or warm, slight overcast, frost and fog clinging to everything, and calm.

The far back section, dubbed Bumpity Bump, has received most of my time.  Doing a few laps each morning.  With every lap it gets a bit better.  We could use some more snow to smooth things out a bit but it's still great fun.

Next up is the swamp.  I stomped a trail through the cattails onto the the swamp and again through the cattails to connect the two swamps.


I messed up a bit on the first day I put a track in around the swamp.  I only had time for 2 laps.  That track set up making it hard to widen the trails the next day.  Once I start putting in a fresh trail I try for at least for times through.  Oh well.

Fog on the swamp.

After letting Toby out and feeding him this morning I tried to go back to bed.  Not happening.  Once I'm up, I'm up.  I was going to skip riding today but since I'm up I'll head over to the River Bluffs and the Field of Dreams for a bit.

Ride Your Bike!

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