Friday, January 22, 2021

Traveling to Bike.

I finally did it, drove to Crosby/Ironton and rode the Cuyuna Trail System. I actually wanted to ride gravel around home but the winds were already high and the temps were dropping all day.  The temps dropped 23 degrees while I was riding Cuyuna!  I was actually watching the temp before I left.  It was at 31 in Cuyuna.  I waited a bit before heading up so the temps could drop.  The trails are closed above freezing.

I started riding a bit before 10.  It was 30 degrees.  The trails had been groomed the night before and that morning.  The trails that were recently groomed were closed to allow time for them to set up.  Overall the trails were in really great shape.  But take that with a grain of salt.  I'm used to riding at Sand Prairie, the land of frozen foot prints.

I don't get to Cuyuna much.  It's been a year since I've biked there on dirt and two years since I was there on snow.  Thus I don't know the trails super well.  Not sure if it's a new trail but Winze was my favorite.  I don't think I've ridden it before.  The best is how well it flows once up top.  I'd like to hit that up in the summer.

Temps dropped but the sun came out.  Great day of riding.

The Ride.

I stopped off at Red Raven for a coffee and headed home.  I'm glad I went but guessing I won't be back again this season.  Maybe if our snow continues to suck at home.

Current temp is -1.  With a feels like of -11.  I'm guessing this is the coldest I've ridden in this fat bike season.  We just haven't had many cold day.  After a day of riding smooth single track I figure I'm due for some Sand Prairie bumps!  Snow is forecasted for Saturday.  Amounts are a bit all over but 2-4" seems to be the most consistent.  I'll take!  More too, but I'll be happy with anything.  

Happy Weekend.

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