Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Cold Continues.

 Both rides on Monday and Tuesday morning were in sub zero temperatures.  It looks like it will be that way into next week.  For the most part I don't mind it.  I have all the required gear to keep me safe and comfortable.  Plus the cold has the riding deck super hard.  However getting dressed and undressed is a bit of a hassle and the mid ride pee breaks are a bit of a dance!  Also knowing there is an end in sight helps with the moral.  I actually hope we get a week or two of sub zero temps every winter.  Odd...but I like it.

The cold also gives some great selfie options!

Having been riding the same loops most of the winter, they are starting to get a bit old.  Things like riding in the dark, switching up directions, doing laps of sections, etc. all help with the riding the same 'ol thing.  Lately I've been into the the lap thing.  Not that I really care but with Stava's Local Legends I will sometimes set out to become a legend of a section of trail.  Mostly for a "goal" during that ride.  It's oddly fun and satisfying.  

Frozen Mississippi.

On yesterday's ride I checked out the Mississippi at the South Side Boat Landing.  It's been only one year in the past handful that we've been able to ride on the ice there.  As shown in the above picture it's frozen all the way across!  That I can remember I have never seen this before.  This potentially opens the door for some more exploring.  I'm waiting a few more days to see how it transforms.  South of the landing about a mile or so is a creek...I think Plumb or maybe Johnson?  I've only ridden to that and back.  If the creek is frozen it would be fun to ride that to its intersection with county road 75.  Maybe this weekend.

I've yet to hit Sand Prairie up this week so that's the ride today...once Harper is on the bus.  I'm off tomorrow.  Not sure what I will do.  I thought about heading up to Cuyuna but we only have two vehicles and they are somewhat all in use that day.  We will see.

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