Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sauna and Sausages...make everything better.

With limited time and nasty weather I ran on the treadmill at the gym. I haven't done this for sometime. I am always amazed at how pain free running on a treadmill is. It's still boring, no getting around that.

Later in the evening I headed over to Kris and Kyia's to do some race work. They are a huge help. We got everything lined up and taken care of. Saturday should go off without too many hiccups. Thanks guys.
After work we hit the sauna with sausages on the heater. Nice way to end the day.

Short day at work but still lots to do. I'm a good procrastinator so I still need to get all my gear and clothing ready for next weeks trip to Colorado. I hope to conquer most of this today.
Jen's phone is crap so I may go in and get an iPhone, give her my old phone, and she will get the new iPhone when it comes out. iPhone 4 vs. iPhone 5...I've done some research,but really I'd be fine with Blackberry is old school.

If the rain stops long enough I hope to throw in some laps at the North Loop. I had wanted to take the still not ridden All City out, but winds 15-25 mph doesn't sound too fun, maybe tomorrow. If it works I will hook up with Kyia. I use to bike with her quite a bit. It's been awhile since she's now a mother! Should be fun. If being schooled in the single track is fun!

Mukluk news. Sounds like our fleet is being readied to ship and should be at our doors soon. I hope yet this week, but can't promise anything.
I'm still working on the logistics of getting my hands on a ti Mukluk!


1 comment:

Kyia said...

Great ride tday doom! I think we were all riding really well, fast laps this Sat for sure!