Monday, December 12, 2011

It's A Girl!

Well we found out Friday we are having another girl, pretty damn happy and excited. The Doom household will be a rocking come May!

Friday I also did get out early and sneak a 4 hour 10 min ride on the Pugs in. Lots of a gravel and some pretty cold temps. I did ok with the temp but still need to dial in my hydration. I'm close but it's not perfect.

Saturday was a 1.5 hour trail run at the North Loop. Still loving it. Ran part of it in the dark with a headlamp...also pretty fun.

Sunday I didn't work so was planning for another big ride. Got up at 4:40 ate breakfast, etc. Sat on the couch for a bit to let everything settle. Oops, fell asleep. Later start than planned so ended with 4.5 ours on the Pugs. Good enough for me. Rode a lot of the Dirt Bag I course. The gravel is in pretty rough shape so the wide tires are actually pretty nice. Then it was cleaning and Christmas decorating type stuff.

Gearing up to head out for a short trail run before kid detail begins. Not able to ride tonight so maybe some trainer time too?!

Oh yeah I signed up some time ago for the Tuscobia Winter Ultra. It's this weekend. They have "some" snow so pretty excited. I opted for the 75 miles and not the 150!

Gotta run...ha, get it?



Eric said...

wow... three girls.

have you had your estrogen levels checked lately? I mean, I'm just sayin'...

chance said...

75? over 150? are you sick Ben? I mean that is still bad ass in the winter but I would expect you to want to go for glory! Either way good luck... Arrowhead 135?

Wax4Today said...

Congratulations on Girl #3! And good luck this weekend!