Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Top Products For 2011.

Below are a list of products that I have used during the 2011 year and find to be awesome. They might not be new but just new to me.
Not in any order for any reason.

1.) Compression Socks. Absolutely love these things. Do I think they work? Yep. Do I know they work? Nope. If my brain thinks they are that is enough for me. The brain is our most powerful tool. Besides they look good. I have white, black, neon green, pink, pink with butterflies, and baby blue with butterflies. I use CEP and Sl3S.

2.) Light and Motion Lights. I've used these for a few years but have replaced, upgraded, and added to my collection of lights this year. Impressed with the power these lights pack into a small, light weight package. I have the Seca 1400 which puts out more light than my car and weighs nothing. The battery charges ridiculously fast. An awesome light. But my favorite is the Sol 150 headlamp. Also light weight with a power punch of light. I've used it trail running and biking. If we get snow I will use it skiing. Rechargeable to boot.

3.) Salsa Ti Bikes. It wasn't planned this year but I ended up getting 3 ti frames from Salsa. The La Cruz, Selma, and most recently the Mukluk. I'm one lucky, spoiled boy. I can't really comment on the Mukluk since I finished building it yesterday but I have many miles on the other two. The La Cruz has seen me through too many miles to remember, all pretty comfortably too. For me the shinning star is the ti Selma. This is my favorite bike in my fleet of bikes...I have a lot, but it's dwindling! Stiff, light, comfortable, responsive, and fun are just some of the adjectives for this bike. I smile every time I ride it. It's the bike I'm using for the Fools Gold 100 in Georgia...yeah!

4.) Revelate Designs, formerly Epic Designs. Last year is when I got into these bags with races like the DK 200, etc. The bags are basically bomb proof without any unnecessary items. But the true test for me was using these bags at the Arrowhead 135 this past February. The things pack a lot, work in below freezing temps, keeps things in place, and more. Very impressed. As an owner of a bike shop I get most things at cost or below...I paid retail for these. Yep, that good.

5.) Routine Leg Works (RLW): These guys have been around for a bit but it hasn't been till recently that I remember to use the stuff. Just like you brush your teeth in the morning before you start your day and brush your teeth at night before should put on some RLW before and after your ride. I now have that ingrained in my head. Like the compression socks I don't have evidence that the embrocation is working but I "think" it does and that's enough for me and my brain! My favorite is the new Winter Warming Balm and the Recovery. The warming balm is great on the legs before a ride and also the toes before they slip into the socks...awesome! The recovery makes me feel like a hippie and that's just good...right?

Ok enough for now. I'm shooting for 10 so I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with more. Still not sure about getting out on the Mukluk before Tuscobia...maybe tonight for a bit.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Thanks Ben, we are humbled to make your list and for being part of your cycling routine. Best of luck to you in 2012 and hope to see you in Kansas.