Monday, September 04, 2017


This past week I had one of my biggest riding weeks (in terms of hours) but because I mountain biked most of those I ended with fewer miles, just like fat biking!  25 hours/366 miles.  I mountain biked 5 of the days, all on local trails.  Good stuff.

Yesterday I was solo so I opted for a longer gravel ride.  Once again I got a later start than planned, 9:00, so I was battling the wind from the get go.  The wind was S/SW which allowed me to finally go a different direction.  I started on the Dirt Bag Route for several miles but deviated to head further South and eventually West.
Once in Hutchinson I stopped to refuel, continued West a bit, then made the turn for home.  I came upon Darwin (home to the Largest Ball of Twine) and stopped again.  I was starting to feel the effects of the heat.  It's been a relatively cool August so I wasn't used to full sun and 85 degrees.  I sat in the shade and had a Gatorade.  Despite having consumed over 200 ounces on the day I was pretty dang dehydrated.  Which my legs had no problem telling my on every climb!

I stopped again in St. Augusta for another Gatorade, despite being so close to home.  That seemed to help as I cruised home with ease.
Ended with a bit over 8 hours and 145 gravel miles (mostly).

Shortly I'll be heading to Bertram park to get some mtb laps in out there.
Tomorrow school starts and my riding will become much more tricky to fit in.  It's been a good summer!

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