Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Sick Day.

Sunday Harper was running a temp so we kept her home yesterday.  She was better but still not right so one more day at home today.  Thus I just got back from an hour at work.  Yesterday was spent doing laundry, coloring, some iPad time, backing and cooking.

 It was suggested on Instagram that I call these Benny Balls.  I like it!  

We made some Benny Balls that I use for my winter riding.  I store them in the freezer and still very much edible.  Oats, peanut butter, maple syrup, ground flax seed, chia seed, vanilla, mini chocolate chips, and toasted coconut flakes.  So good.  (Not my recipe, was given to me by friends). Only problem is my family likes them too, so they go quickly!

 We also made granola.  Maybe a bit too much.

That afternoon/evening, after dinner was made, I got out for a 2.5 hour ride.  I went back to Sand Prairie.  We got about an inch of snow Sunday night so I was making some fresh tracks.  Plus it stared to snow, rather hard at times, on my ride.  So fun.  I hit up parts of the North Loop and Friedrich as well.
Guessing we got a bit over an inch out of the last round of snow. More of the same for tomorrow morning with a potential big hit of snow on Friday.  Bring it!

Ride details.

I have to say I'm digging my Garmin watch.  With being on my wrist and in my pogies I don't have to worry about the cold zapping the battery life like that of the Edge units.  The overall battery life on this thing is ridiculous.  I've only charged it once in a week of using it.

Time to shovel some snow.

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