Monday, February 10, 2020

Weekend Review.

Friday night I met up with Jim on the Beaver Island trail.  Our plan was to do the North Loop but since we were both on that south end we jumped on Plum Creek as well.  Then it was off to the North Loop for some short hot laps until Steve C. showed up.  Then it was a full North Loop and Fred.  All the trails are in pretty great shape.  Yes, even with the foot prints from the warm up.

Saturday night was the Full Moon Ride at Quarry Park, hosted by the MMCC.  Jim and I met up early to front load.  We picked up Jon K. on our way over to Quarry Park.  Normally the park is very limited in what we can ride but we had permission to ride everywhere on Saturday.  Quarry Park is just a treasure to have in our community.  I frequent it way too little as it's on the other end of town.  Because of the the warm up and then cool down the skate deck was basically a sidewalk.  Plus Jon had snowshoed some single track in last weekend so that was available too, albeit pretty rough.

A bit before 6 folks started showing up...and they kept coming!  There were about 30 fat bikers!

Photo Credit: Tavis Y.
Yep, it was a full moon!  Photo credit: Travis Y.

We did a full loop and half as a group.  Then some went off to the fire and some took off for the single track.  Because I front loaded I was a bit wet from sweat prior to the event starting.  There tends to be a lot of standing around and/or start and stopping.  Thus I was getting pretty cold.  The single track warmed most of me up but the hands and toes weren't happy.  It was getting late (for me) so I bowed out and headed home.

Ride details.

Sunday Avery had gymnastics in Becker.  It started at noon but she needed to be there around 9.  My original thought was to drop her off, bring my bike, and ride from there.  But with the snow we got, not much but enough, I decided it was best to stay off the roads.  Thus I came home and did a short rip on the North Loop.  Nice and easy.  

First tracks are first tracks...even if it's only 1/4" of snow!

Then it was off to the gymnastics meet, back home, grocery store, a bit of laundry, dinner, and bed.'s Monday!

I'm stoked on the week of riding.  Ended with 21 hours.  The legs, for the most part, feel pretty good.  They are looking forward to an off day on Wednesday however!

Happy Week.

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